Natural Health Center Clifton
physical health center Clifton

Acupuncture in Clifton, NJ

If you’re struggling with chronic pain, a systemic illness, a mood disorder, or some other disabling health challenge, you might assume that only the most recent, high-tech medical innovations can provide you with the relief you seek. It may come as a surprise to learn that one of the most effective healing modalities is also one of the most ancient. Acupuncture offers real benefits as a non-pharmaceutical, non-surgical treatment technique for addressing pains and many other troubling symptoms. We administer this time-tested modality here at Natural Health Care of Clifton.
physical health center Clifton
physical health center Cliftonphysical health center Clifton
A Drug-Free Pain Management and Healing Technique
These days you’ll see many a nurse practitioner obtaining a certification in acupuncture as an important skill. This means of healing seems more popular than ever, but it has demonstrated its success for thousands of years, beginning with the ancient healing practices of traditional Chinese medicine. Asian healers felt that the body’s chi, or life energy, was governed and distributed along major pathways called meridians. When an injury or other abnormality interrupted or diverted this flow, sickness and pain were likely to follow. The healers mapped out hundreds of points where needles could be inserted into the skin to redirect the chi, resorting comfort and health.
Why would such ancient healing technique prove so successful even in the age of modern medical science? Today’s researchers see some clear parallels between the meridian/chi model and the nervous system, with its flow of nerve signals. Studies indicate the insertion of the needles at strategic points can modify the way nerve signals are directed throughout the body. It also appears that the needles stimulate the production of natural painkillers known as endorphins. Put simply: acupuncture really works.
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A Natural Complement to Chiropractic Care, Nutrition, and Other Healthy Practices
Our acupuncturist at Natural Health Center of Clifton, Dr. Mark Smiley, frequently administers acupuncture, in conjunction with chiropractic care, nutrition, exercise, and other natural techniques, as part of a holistic healing or pain management plan. Acupuncture can help treat musculoskeletal problems, chronic pain syndromes, immune problems, gastrointestinal troubles, neurological disorders, mood disorders, respiratory issues, and more. The needles themselves are so thin that you hardly feel them, and the treatments are so safe that you can schedule them as often as you like to enjoy optimal results.
Acupuncture could make a big difference in your quality of life. Schedule comprehensive care at Natural Health Center of Clifton. Call (973) 370-9077 today!
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