Natural Health Center Clifton
physical health center Clifton
Providing medical services since 1976


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physical health center Clifton

Scoliosis in Clifton, NJ

There are plenty of reasons why someone might go to the doctor. However, one of the most common is for back pain. Back pain can be caused by a variety of conditions and illnesses ranging from whiplash to a paraspinal muscle sprain and everything in between. One of the most overlooked causes of back pain is called scoliosis. It is important for everyone to understand the basics of this condition. The experienced chiropractic team from the Natural Health Center is here to help everyone in the Clifton area become familiar with this condition.
severe back pain

What Is Scoliosis?

Scoliosis is the medical term used to describe an unusual or abnormal curvature of the spine. If someone were to look at a healthy spine x-ray, they would notice that the back has a natural curve to it. The spine is not, however, supposed to curve from left to right. When this happens, the individual is said to have scoliosis. Severe forms of scoliosis can have some significant health impacts.

How Is Scoliosis Diagnosed?

Scoliosis is often first detected by a visit to the doctor. Often, the doctor will first ask the patient to bend over and touch his or her toes. Then, the doctor will look for an uneven level between the patient’s shoulders, indicating that scoliosis might be present. To confirm this suspicion, the doctor might also order an x-ray to get a better look at the patient’s spine.
What Are the Treatment Options for Scoliosis?
When someone is told that they have scoliosis, this is often followed up with an order for a back brace or even a surgical procedure. However, these aren’t the only treatment options available. A trained chiropractor can also work with a patient to perform a variety of manipulation and adjustment procedures that can shift the spine back into the proper alignment, alleviating many of the painful symptoms associated with scoliosis. This may be able to keep someone out of the operating room.
physiotherapist vertebrology center
Trust the Dedicated Professionals with the Natural Health Center in Clifton
Scoliosis is a common health condition that can be treated by experienced professionals. At the Natural Health Center in Clifton, we have a compassionate team that can provide chiropractic care for back pain and scoliosis pain management and treatment. We have a nurse practitioner who can work with patients in a variety of areas as well, including nutrition. If you are suffering from back pain of any kind, call us today and make an appointment.
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