Natural Health Center Clifton
physical health center Clifton

By Austin Davidson L.Ac


In Chinese medicine we talk about the main power supply of the body: Qi. It provides function to the organs, creates movement and flow, allows for health and balance. So what is the equivalent to Qi in Western medicine?  The answer is actually a very tiny particle called an electron.  Electrons create communication between cells or in a larger picture the brain and the body.  Electrical signals generated by the body can induce the various functions of tissue in the body that allow us to do simple actions like opening doors, nodding our heads, walking and standing; but also at a complex level allows the body to do subconscious processes like turning food to sugar, creating proteins, releasing hormones, and other thousands of jobs that allow us to function everyday.  When we lose electrons or the flow of the electrons are impeded this is where dysfunction and disease arise.


So how exactly do we use electricity to treat pain or disease?  Well just the same as if we would have a deficiency of vitamins and minerals we take supplements to replace those deficiencies, we would flood the body with electrons. In acupuncture we use the same tools as we would in a regular treatment but add the electricity to the needles.  It may sound scary but it’s very comfortable and painless, at most patients feel a slight tapping sensation or low vibration.  These devices that send electricity are able to send signals to the nervous system unlocking your body’s own healing abilities. From release Beta-endorphins that can decrease pain and inflammation to GABA which can produce a calming effect on nerves and muscles.  The body has all the raw material it needs to heal the body but sometimes it just needs a jump start.    


Electro-acupuncture isn’t the only way to fill your body with antioxidant rich electrons.  The Earth itself is a giant electron storage and can be easily accessed by touching it through a process called Earthing or Grounding.  It may sound silly to say that if you go walking barefoot outside for 30 mins that you’ll feel better, but studies show that the effects don’t only show improvement in mental health but also in pain and inflammation. So go outside and bury your feet in the grass once in a while!

For more information on electroacupuncture or to schedule an appointment, contact Natural Health Center of Clifton today.

By Austin Davidson L.Ac


For many people who are chronic sufferers of neck and lower back issues, they can attest that the weather is a large factor in affecting their pain.  Cold and wind tend to stiffen the muscles and joints causing the already existing pain to become unbearable. But not everyone’s pain is the same which is why it is important as a practitioner to understand the correct diagnosis when treating our patients. 

In Chinese medicine, we associate different symptoms as certain pathological factors that manifest into what you are feeling. Wind can enter the body and cause pain that feels like it is constantly moving from one place to another. Cold constricts and binds the tendons and muscles creating stiffness. Dampness forms within the joints and vessels causing that achy sensation. 

My goal as an Acupuncturist is to assess if you have one or more of these pathological factors, sometimes even a combination of them, and treat them accordingly. Whether it be to warm the areas that are cold, expel the wind, or even drain the dampness; all of these can help reduce pain and inflammation, as well as increase range of motion and resistance to these pathogens. 


Simple, bundle up! 

Layering up during colder temperatures as well as properly covering vulnerable areas of the body, e.g. wearing a scarf to cover the nape of the neck and earmuffs, can help ward off invasive wind and cold in the body.

The colder weather is just one of the many stressors that may affect neck and lower back pain. By visiting our office regularly for treatment, we can reduce and prevent pain of the neck and back this winter. For more information on our services or to schedule an appointment, contact Natural Health Center of Clifton today.  

When the temperature starts to cool, a lot of us become aware of how the weather can affect our wellbeing–emotionally, mentally, and physically. If you struggle with joint pain or are diagnosed with arthritis, you might know just how the cold can easily lead to painful and achy joints. As chiropractors, many of our patients come in during the winter due to increased joint pain and stiffness. It is a common belief that those with troublesome joints may be able to predict the weather, but where does this come from, and is it true?


Unfortunately, there are no studies that prove arthritis or joint can predict the weather. However, there is enough evidence to prove that your condition can become inflamed or irritated by colder weather. We have a few ideas as to where this myth may have come from.

During colder weather, the barometric pressure drops and can cause your joints to expand and place additional pressure on surrounding nerves inflaming your condition. Additionally, when the temperature drops, fluid can become more viscous making it difficult for them to flow freely preventing them from working properly which may increase sensitivity and pain. People are also often less active in colder weather making joints likely to stiffen.


If your joint pain is caused by damage over time due to joint misalignment, poor posture, or overworking of the joint, then chiropractic care can help. Chiropractic manipulations and soft tissue therapies can reduce joint restrictions and misalignments which can help to remove painful symptoms, reduce inflammation, and restore your range of motion.

It is important to note though that we cannot restore the damage that is already done or the loss of cartilage. During your consultation, we will determine the cause of your joint pain and decide what form of treatment is right for you.


While no one can control the weather, there are a few tips you can take to limit your risk of joint pain due to cold weather. Keep yourself as warm as possible with layers of clothing and compression garments. If it’s cold outside, opt for gentle indoor exercises and stretches to keep your joints mobile and loose during the winter.

The colder weather is just one of the many stressors that may cause chronic pain, fatigue, and joint discomfort. By visiting our office regularly for treatment, we can reduce and prevent severe aching joints this winter. For more information on how we can help you combat the cold and our services or to schedule an appointment, contact Natural Health Center of Clifton today.

October is finally here–and that means it is National Chiropractic Health Month! During this month, we join hundreds of practices across the nation in encouraging the public to seek out the benefits of chiropractic care, and this year’s theme is “Keep Moving!”.

We understand that the COVID-19 pandemic has affected many of us in our ability to venture outside of the house and be active. Lack of physical activity can impact not only our physical health but also our mental and emotional health. Over the last two years, many have discovered just how beneficial daily movement and exercise can be to our overall health and feeling of well-being.


This year our campaign is all about movement and how important daily exercise is to our health and wellbeing. You may wonder how this connects to chiropractic care… As experts in utilizing a drug-free, whole-person approach to your health, the condition of your bones and muscles is important. Lack of movement and physical activity may lead to weight gain and increase your risk of joint pain, injuries, cardiovascular health problems, and other musculoskeletal conditions.


Daily physical activity strengthens your bones, muscles, and joints while improving your physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing. Here are some tips you can use to get you moving throughout the day!


When in the office, we understand it can be difficult to exercise, but there are ways of strengthening your body. Remember to sit straight with both feet on the ground, as this helps you maintain good posture and evenly distribute your weight across your body preventing muscle pain and inflammation. Keep your head at an even position by moving your screen to eye level. This will prevent you from straining your neck.

Take small exercise breaks throughout the day. Every 20 minutes would be great even for light stretching. Other ways to increase movement in the workplace include using the stairs, gently shaking out your limbs, rolling your shoulders and ankles, and stretching your back throughout the day.


Studies show that being outdoors and interacting with nature does lower stress levels, reduce anxiety, and enhance your mental and emotional wellbeing. Exercising outdoors is a great way to get the best of both worlds.

Popular outdoor activities to do during the fall include nature walks, running along forest trails, hiking in local areas, and recreational sports such as football, soccer, and basketball. Be mindful of your body and rest when necessary. If you have pre-existing medical conditions, we encourage you to consult with your doctor about healthy ways to exercise and increase movement.


Even if you don’t own a home gym, you can still exercise at home. There are many virtual classes or online exercise routines you can follow to help you exercise in the comfort of your home. Though it is recommended that adults get at least 30-60 minutes of exercise a day, don’t feel pressured to do it all at once. Even raking the leaves outside can contribute to your daily movement!

Regular exercise reduces the stress on your ligaments and joints minimizing the chance of injury, muscle strain, and muscular pain. This month, though we are encouraging patients to get out and move, it is important to note there is no one-size-fits-all approach when it comes to exercise so take time to find the right combination of activities that work for you. Remember, the key is to sit less and move more so that you can live a healthy life. We are here to help you get a head start on better health and wellness by getting you moving. For more information on our chiropractic services and how we can help you or to schedule an appointment, contact the Natural Health Center of Clifton today.

Lower back pain is one of the most common complaints we diagnose and treat as chiropractors. A cause of low back pain that can be easily missed is sacroiliitis! This month we’d like to show how chiropractic care can help to alleviate pain and restore function and mobility to those diagnosed with sacroiliitis.


Sacroiliitis refers to inflammation of one or both sacroiliac joints also known as SI joints. These sacroiliac joints connect the lower part of your spine (sacrum) to your pelvis. Anytime you take a step, lift your leg, extend, or move your legs, you utilize your sacroiliac joints.


There are a variety of factors that can increase a person’s risk for developing sacroiliitis, including:


The pain associated with sacroiliitis stems from inflammation and irritation of the sacroiliac joint. Symptoms include:

In cases of infection, fever may also be a symptom of sacroiliitis.


As chiropractors, we pride ourselves on utilizing your body’s healing processes to relieve pain that stems from joint inflammation, dysfunction, and misalignment. During your consultation, we will evaluate your symptoms, conduct a physical exam, and perform any necessary tests to determine which treatment options will be ideal for your condition and lifestyle.

We specialize in a variety of non-surgical treatment methods for sacroiliitis, including:

During your consultation, we will conduct a variety of tests to determine your diagnosis and work with you to tailor your treatment to your unique needs and goals. If you believe you are suffering from sacroiliitis or would like to schedule an appointment, contact the Natural Health Center of Clifton today.

It’s that time of year! Whether you are preparing a child for the upcoming school year or yourself, sitting at a desk all day, being hunched over a computer, or craning your neck while doing homework–school can put a strain on your body. Here are some chiropractic tips to help make this back-to-school season a happy and healthy one.


Back pain is a common complaint in our office from adults, but in recent years it has also become a common concern for many children and teenagers. The influx in cases has recently been connected to the use of heavily packed backpacks and spending hours looking at a computer or hand-held device during the school year.

Backpacks have long been a health concern as carrying an overweight bag improperly can create several concerning health conditions such as poor posture, muscle strain, joint pain, and headaches. The common use of technology with computers, tablets, and phones can also impact your spinal health as it causes you to crane your neck and put pressure on your neck, shoulders, and upper back.


No one wants to carry a heavy backpack every day but choosing the right bag and carrying it properly can help you avoid pain and injury. It is not unheard of for patients to experience upper shoulder pain, low back pain, neck pain, and even headaches from an improperly worn or heavy backpack.

Be sure to purchase a bag that has a padded back and wide, padded adjustable straps that will help prevent the weight from digging into pressure points. Though it may look cool to sling a backpack over one shoulder or to use a messenger style back, wearing both straps on your shoulders will evenly distribute the weight across your body to prevent muscle strain and fatigue. If your bag has a waist strap, using it can help to reduce the chance of back pain. Though a smaller backpack may seem appealing for your profile, your backpack should be proportionate to your body. The top of the bag shouldn’t be higher than your shoulders and the bottom should be above your hips.

Pack your bag strategically with the heaviest items close to the body and make use of the pockets with lighter and smaller items. Be mindful of the weight of your bag as well, it should not be more than 10% of your body. Heavy bags not only can be painful to carry but also cause you to lean forward and increase your risk for rounded hunched shoulders and affect the curvature of your spine.


It is no myth that our increasing dependence on technology has affected our day-to-day lives–but it also affects our posture. More patients are reporting wrist pain, shoulder pain, and neck pain. When you bend your neck to look downward, every inch can put 10 additional pounds on your neck, so it’s no surprise that people complain of neck pain or tense shoulders and upper back strain.

We recommend limiting your technology usage with a 15-minute break every hour, stretching regularly, and allowing your eyes to relax. Bring any mobile devices to eye level and adjust computer monitors so that you can sit up straight with your chest out and shoulders back comfortably with both feet on the ground. While you read, be sure to keep your head over your neck and shoulders and rest your back against the chair.


Before engaging in any strenuous activity, remember to warm up and stretch for at least 15 minutes to allow your body to become more limber and reduce your risk of muscle strain. Don’t forget to cool down afterward as well!

You can even learn some seated stretches to help relieve tension and aches while seated in class.


Remember sleep is your body’s time to heal and repair from the day-to-day stresses of life. Adults need around 7-8 hours of sleep each night, and children need even more. Getting a consistent good night’s rest can help lower stress levels, ease chronic inflammation, and allow your body to rejuvenate.

For better sleep, we recommend avoiding exercising, caffeine, and electronics at least an hour before bed to allow your eyes and mind to wind down. Darken the room and lower the temperature to create a restful environment, some patients may even use a white noise machine to block out any distractions. Making a sleep schedule that tells you when to wake up and get ready for bed can also help your body to establish a routine so that you can function at your best.

For more information on how to keep your back healthy during this school year or to schedule an appointment, contact Natural Health Center of Clifton today.

If you are an athlete, you understand the demands your sport can place on your body. Unfortunately, all sports present injury risks and an injury can set you back regardless of your skill level. Recent studies have shown that regular chiropractic care can help athletes recover from various injuries. Our chiropractors will diagnose and treat the source of your pain and create a full rehabilitation program designed to your unique needs so that you can get back in the game feeling your best.


Athletes can suffer from injuries due to impact, repetitive motion, improper form, overtraining, failure to warm up, and accidents that can happen in a variety of ways depending on the activity and sport. We can treat a variety of sports-related injuries and conditions including:

It is important to seek treatment even if you think the injury may be minor as many injuries are overlooked and treated with rest alone, increasing the odds that they will heal improperly and cause chronic pain later. If an injury is left untreated pain can spread to other areas that may not even be directly related to the injury itself as your body tries to compensate and rebalance itself.


As chiropractors, we use a variety of non-invasive methods to help you find relief and get back to the sport you love.

Regular chiropractic adjustments can realign vertebrae and alleviate pain, soreness, and aches from sports injuries. When your spine is aligned, this can alleviate tension in the body caused by misalignments and decrease inflammation as well as allow your nervous system to function optimally.

Massage therapy can also be used to help relieve stiff muscles, improve blood flow, to accelerate pain relief and recovery. We can also advise on physical therapy stretches and exercises to help you regain mobility and function at full strength.


Here are some recommendations on how to best avoid injuries and complications in the future:

If you are suffering from a sports-related injury and would like help on the path to recovery, we are here for you! Our chiropractors will evaluate your needs and develop a treatment plan based on your sport and condition so that you can heal naturally and get back onto the field as soon as possible without further complication. For more information on how we can help with sports-related injuries or to schedule a consultation, contact the Natural Health Center of Clifton today.

June is National Scoliosis Awareness Month. During this month, we would like to raise awareness about this condition and how as chiropractors we can help those who struggle with this condition.


Scoliosis is a common spinal condition in which the vertebrae rotate causing the spine to curve abnormally. The degree of curvature varies based on the patient and can range from very minor misalignment to almost an S-shaped or C-shaped curve. For patients with minor conditions, symptoms may not be severe or need treatment. However, scoliosis can progress without observation and treatment and can become a debilitating condition significantly impacting ones’ day-to-day life. The increasing curvature can begin to impact muscle function, movement, and restrict breathing.

Many cases occur during growth spurts in puberty, but other causes can include cerebral palsy, muscular dystrophy, or be the result of a congenital condition present at birth. Though commonly associated with teenagers or children, adults can develop this condition later in life as they age.


The physical signs of scoliosis can include the following:

In severe cases, due to the curvature of the spine, the rib cage may appear prominent on one side more than the other.

Diagnosis begins with a full review of medical history, followed by a thorough physical examination. A neurological exam may also be conducted to check for muscle weakness or abnormal reflexes. Imaging tests such as X-rays are the most accurate way to fully diagnose a patient with scoliosis. A positive diagnosis is confirmed with a curve greater than 10 degrees. A significant curve is considered between 25 to 30 degrees, and a curve exceeding 45 to 50 degrees is seen as severe.


For those with minor scoliosis symptoms, treatment may consist of monitoring the condition with X-rays to check that the curve isn’t worsening, physical therapy, and bracing to help straighten the spine and support proper curvature.

For patients with mild to moderate scoliosis, chiropractic care can be an ideal treatment option to help relieve symptoms and assist in correcting posture.


It is important to note that chiropractic care cannot cure scoliosis, but when combined with your doctor’s treatment plan can help to adjust your overall spinal alignment and posture to decrease painful symptoms and improve your overall quality of life.

Scoliosis is an unnatural curvature of the spine, which can place strain on the muscles, nerves, and soft tissues around the spine. Chiropractic care can be used to help realign the spine and decrease strain and pressure on those soft tissues to reduce pain and inflammation in the area. By increasing joint mobility and improving nervous system function, your body has a better ability to manage and relieve symptoms caused by scoliosis.

Chiropractic care for scoliosis is a long-term treatment option as patients will need routine adjustments to gain the most from treatment. Your chiropractor will work with your other healthcare team members to ensure you are receiving the best care and that the prescribed treatment plan is working.

At first, treatment may be several times a week in the office for spinal adjustments. At-home exercises, stretches, bracing techniques, and physical therapy may also be recommended to you. Many patients report feeling significantly better after the first week of treatment, over time additional benefits include reduced pain and inflammation, improved range of motion and flexibility, and the ability to resume normal activities that were hindered by scoliosis symptoms leading to an overall better quality of life.

If you are struggling with the symptoms of scoliosis, chiropractic care may be the right treatment option for you. Our experienced chiropractic team can help reduce pain and discomfort along your spine. For more information on how we can help with scoliosis or to schedule a consultation, contact the Natural Health Center of Clifton today.

May is correct your posture month! Throughout May, we encourage our patients to be conscious of their posture! Though you may have heard it a hundred times growing up–good posture is important. Over time poor posture can increase your risk of pain, discomfort, and the likelihood of experiencing joint issues, lowering your quality of life. Below are some tips you can use to start improving your posture.


Good posture is the position in which your body is held straight against gravity and helps your body to stand, walk, sit, and rest in a position that places the least amount of strain on the supporting muscles and ligaments. Strong postural muscles help to keep your bones and joints in alignment, decreasing the risk of abnormal wear on joint surfaces while also reducing stress on soft tissues and muscles to minimize the risk of injury, fatigue, and strain.

Having poor posture throughout your everyday activities and movements can place strain and stress on your body’s joints and muscles pulling them out of alignment. Over time this can lead to imbalance, soreness, and misalignment making the body prone to injury and pain. Common examples of poor posture include hunching while using electronic devices. This can cause the chest to tighten and strain the shoulders and upper back. Leaning forward towards devices can also put pressure on your neck as it pulls your head closer to the device.

Poor posture is not always the result of laziness or not knowing how to stand or sit properly. There are a variety of factors that can cause poor posture including:


If poor posture is caused by misalignments in joints or the spine, we can help to correct your postural issues such as slouching, hunched back, abnormal curvatures in the spine, an unlevel pelvis or hip, and forward head posture.

When you arrive at our office, your chiropractor will conduct a thorough assessment of your body to check for any restrictions, misalignments, or dysfunctions in your spine and joints. If any are found, we will make the necessary adjustments to restore mobility, range of motion, and remove any possible interference in nerve communication caused by your misalignments.

Your chiropractor will also check for any postural imbalances that may be impacting your body’s ability to function optimally such as a tilted pelvis that affects your gait. Once these restrictions are corrected, you can begin working on improving and maintaining proper posture through regular adjustments and various exercises. We can also offer advice on how to better your posture during your daily activities or recommend stretches or exercises to strengthen your core postural muscles.


Yes! There are steps you can take at home to help improve your posture such as being aware of how you hold your body during your daily activities such as sitting, standing, sleeping, and even exercising.

Regularly stretching and strengthening your postural muscles will help to improve your flexibility, core strength, and posture. You can also correct poor posture habits, but this will take time and effort before the new ways become a habit. Below are some ways you can improve your posture during daily activities:

Once your posture is adjusted and corrected, it is important to maintain it by being aware of how you hold your body throughout the day. We are here to help on your journey to living a healthy life and this includes your posture. For more information on how to improve your posture or to schedule a consultation today, contact Natural Health Center of Clifton.

During pregnancy, your body undergoes many changes to help your baby develop and grow properly until he or she is ready to come into the world. Though swollen feet, raging hormones, aches, and pain are common experiences during pregnancy that doesn’t mean there is no relief.

Chiropractic care involves adjusting misaligned vertebrae or joints within the body to reduce the stress placed on the nerves, soft tissues, and muscles surrounding the area. By alleviating pressure and restoring proper alignment, your body can function optimally and work more efficiently to ensure your health. This article will discuss the benefits pregnant women can receive by undergoing chiropractic care during pregnancy.


We understand that many have concerns about whether chiropractic care is safe during pregnancy. First and foremost, it is always best to ask your doctor and OB-GYN or health professional if chiropractor care is right for you. He or she may have specific reasons for you refraining from chiropractic care or have a list of chiropractors in your area they recommend.

With chiropractic care, no medication or surgery is involved, instead, physical manipulation is used to restore proper alignment within the body and relieve pain and tension within the body. By restoring proper alignment, your body’s systems can function optimally and help to promote health throughout your body. In the case of pregnant women, though all chiropractors receive training related to caring for pregnant women, some also specialize in prenatal or postnatal care and undergo additional training.

As pregnant women have enlarged bellies, chiropractors use adjustable tables to allow for better patient comfort and refrain from using techniques that may place additional pressure on the abdomen to keep you and your baby safe. We can also recommend a variety of exercises and stretches that are safe and beneficial during pregnancy.


As mentioned above, the body undergoes several significant changes in preparation for your baby’s arrival. An enlarged abdomen, increased back curve, pelvic changes, and changes in posture can all place stress on your body, especially the spine, and lead to misaligned joints or vertebrae.

The change in your center of gravity can make it difficult to stand, sit, or sleep comfortably. You may sleep in an unhealthy position for the sake of comfort, which can lead to damaged joints or a misaligned spine that can linger long after your baby’s delivery. Also, if the pelvis is out of alignment, this can limit your baby’s space and may make it difficult for the baby to move into the best position for labor. By establishing pelvic balance and alignment throughout the rest of the body, your nervous system can work more efficiently including your reproductive system. With regular chiropractic care during pregnancy, you can expect a more comfortable pregnancy, pain relief, and better control over symptoms of nausea.

Though morning sickness, aching feet, and peculiar cravings are a part of the experience, you don’t have to be in pain or uncomfortable throughout your pregnancy. If you are interested in finding out how chiropractic care can help you during pregnancy or to schedule a consultation, contact Natural Health Center of Clifton today.

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