Natural Health Center Clifton
physical health center Clifton



Here at Natural Health Center of Clifton, we are proud to offer acupuncture services to our clients as an alternative, drug-free option to treat a variety of conditions. While you may have heard of acupuncture, you might not be aware of what it actually is or the many conditions it can treat. It is our goal to help educate you on this treatment and help you determine if it is the right option for you depending on your specific needs.


Acupuncture is the traditional Chinese medicine practice of penetrating the skin with fine metallic needles. Practitioners believe that the human body has over 2,000 specific acupuncture points that are connected by pathways that allow energy, or Qi, to flow throughout the body. It is believed that disease, illness, stress, and other discomforts are caused by a disruption in the body’s energy. Acupuncture uses the insertion of these needles to manipulate the body’s Qi and restore balance to the patient’s body, this, in turn, improves the flow of energy and the patient’s overall health and wellbeing.


We realize that the word “needles” can deter some patients, but we can assure you that you are in safe, capable, and careful hands! Our acupuncturists are very gentle to ensure your comfort, and no significant pain should be felt during treatment. Minimal discomfort may be felt as the needle is inserted into the body, followed by a heavy or dull sensation as the needle is applied to the pressure point and the Qi is manipulated.


Acupuncture points are believed to stimulate the body’s central nervous system, helping to encourage proper functionality of the body’s systems and promoting good health and wellbeing. Once the acupuncturist has located all the sources of blocked Qi and successfully manipulated the points to allow proper flow, the needles are then removed, and an overwhelming feeling of relief is felt by the patient. Treatment can vary depending on the patient’s condition from several minutes to over an hour, however typical treatment lasts an average of 20 minutes.
Needles are not the only tools used in acupuncture. Heat, friction, suction, electromagnetic stimulation, and pressure can also be used to restore proper flow to the body.
All needles are sterilized and fall under the FDA’s single-use standard to prevent any infection.


Studies show that acupuncture can treat numerous conditions, even those of chronic illness and addiction. Some studies even show that it can be used to treat conditions such as sinusitis, depression, and even to promote fertility. Other conditions that acupuncture can treat but are not limited to include:

  • Chronic Pain
  • Arthritis
  • Asthma
  • Addiction
  • Injury
  • Trauma
  • Rehabilitation
  • Repetitive strain

It is important to speak with your primary care provider before scheduling an appointment as acupuncture is not for everyone. If you are unsure of whether this is the right option for you, we encourage you to schedule a free consultation here at Natural Health Center of Clifton, and we can discuss your individual needs and goals for treatment. We look forward to helping you find the relief you deserve! For more information on how acupuncture can help you, contact us today.


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