Knee Decompression Therapy
Knee decompression therapy, also known as knee traction, uses a machine to gently separate the knee joint providing immediate pain relief while allowing soft tissues such as tendons and ligaments to relax and recover. This treatment method allows us to analyze and treat your knee pain in a comfortable, non-invasive, and effective way.
During the procedure, you will be seated with the affected leg extended at a comfortable angle, and your leg is strapped down just above and below the knee to secure your leg during treatment. Our doctors will use precise settings to treat your condition. The machine uses manual traction to pull, separate, and then release the tension within your knee repeatedly throughout treatment.
The results of knee decompression therapy include a reduction in pain and increased joint mobility and function with enhanced soft tissue repair.
Most patients report positive results after the first few sessions. Each session takes about 15 minutes per knee. We typically recommend 6 sessions for acute knee pain and 12 sessions for chronic pain, but each treatment plan will be tailored to the patient’s individual condition and needs.