Natural Health Center Clifton
physical health center Clifton

Sciatica in Clifton, NJ

People often say that their low back pain is caused by “sciatica.” In our experience, however, many people are misinformed about what sciatica actually is and how this condition presents. At the Natural Health Center in Clifton, NJ, our team proudly provides acupuncture, and other pain management strategies for people living with sciatica. We also educate our clients about this condition so people will know to seek help sooner.
physical health center Clifton

3 Things to Know About Sciatica

Want to learn more about sciatica? These three facts are a great place to start:
Chiropractic Care
Sciatica is a syndrome, not a specific disorder or condition. This means that sciatica is a collection of sign and symptoms that can be caused by compression of the sciatic nerve (you have a right one and left one, both exiting your spinal column in the lower back). Sciatic nerve compression can be caused by a number of different things, including a misaligned or narrowed joint, an injured disc, a bony cyst, or a tumor.
Chiropractic Care
Sciatica signs and symptoms can range from mild to severe. They typically include groin, buttocks, and pain that feels sharp, stabbing, throbbing, or burning. Numbness, tingling, and weakness can also affect the involved leg. Low back pain and stiffness are also common. These symptoms may become worse after sitting or standing for a long time, or first thing in the morning.
Chiropractic Care
Sciatica can affect people of all ages, but it’s more common as a person gets older. It’s particularly common more people who sit a lot, perform heavy lifting or repetitive bending, are overweight, or have a genetic predisposition. Auto accidents and other types of trauma may also lead to sciatica.
Could Your Symptoms Be Related to Sciatica?
Call (973) 370-9353  to schedule an appointment with a holistic health practitioner at the Natural Health Center of Clifton, NJ.
Chiropractic Care Clifton
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