Natural Health Center Clifton
physical health center Clifton

Automobile accidents are often unexpected events that happen within an instant and can leave lasting impacts. Even in minor accidents, serious injuries can occur such as soft tissue sprains, head injuries, and whiplash. Symptoms may occur several days after the incident once your body relaxes from the tense altercation causing you to notice soreness, pain, and discomfort that may not have been present immediately after the accident. Fortunately, chiropractic care has proven effective in helping to restore the function of your nervous system without invasive methods or pain medication.


During an accident, the musculoskeletal system within your body can be knocked out of alignment by just the force of the impact, causing neck and back pain. Depending on the severity of the accident, other injuries may occur.


Whiplash is a common injury in rear-ended accidents and occurs when the head is suddenly jolted into another direction. The sudden “whipping” motion destabilizes the spine and can injure the surrounding and supporting tissues of the neck and head such as the muscles, nerves, soft tissues, and spinal discs. Muscles react by tightening and contracting, creating muscle fatigue, which can result in severe pain, muscle stiffness, and limited mobility.

Common symptoms of whiplash may include:


When the body sustains sudden and jarring trauma, soft tissues such as muscles, ligaments, and tendons can stretch and tear. Though traditional medication may provide immediate pain relief, it does not offer a long-term solution to pain management or help to restore mobility after an injury.

As chiropractors, our goal is to assist your body in healing itself by treating the root cause of your pain. Treatment will focus on realigning your spine and affected joints to alleviate pressure on surrounding nerves allowing for almost immediate pain relief, this will also relax tense muscles and reduce muscle stiffness. Your chiropractor can also use massage techniques or machine-assisted methods to help reduce any pain or discomfort you may be having. We can also recommend certain exercises to help improve your range of motion and mobility.

If you or a loved one has recently been involved in an auto accident, it is important to seek prompt care to best avoid any lingering discomfort or damage from the trauma. By seeking early care and treatment, the sooner you can begin the road to recovery and have a safe and full recovery with minimal complications. For more information on how we can help after an accident or to schedule an appointment, contact the Natural Health Center of Clifton today.

Considering all the stress that is put on the neck, it is no surprise that two-thirds of Americans experience significant neck pain at least once in their lives. Neck pain is a common complaint as neck muscles can become strained from poor posture, injury, or rough movements. Chronic neck pain may also be a sign of a more serious underlying condition such as cervical disc degeneration, which can be mistaken for neck pain until becoming severe. However, cervical disc degeneration is more than just a stiff neck and refers to a degenerative process in which the discs in the cervical spine have begun to deteriorate and cause pain in the neck, upper body, and arms.


The cervical spine is the part of your spinal column that forms your neck. It consists of seven vertebrae which are separated by discs. These cervical discs stabilize your neck and allow you to smoothly turn and move as desired and act as shock absorbers during activity.

Each disc is composed of a sturdy outer wall and a soft, gel-like inner core. When you are born, these discs are primarily composed of water. When you age, the discs lose some of this water content and begin to thin, providing less shock absorption. This process also makes the disc prone to developing cracks and tears. These changes in your discs can cause the disc to bulge out or protrude and press against nearby nerves which can cause a variety of sensations ranging from numbness, limited mobility, muscle weakness, tingling, and radiating pain that may extend down the neck into the shoulder, arm, hand, and fingers.


Cervical disc generation can often be dismissed as neck pain early on. Depending on the severity of the condition, symptoms may vary from person to person. Pain may develop slowly or appear suddenly with symptoms that range from a mild neck ache to an inability to move the head without severe pain. Common signs or symptoms of this condition may include:

If the nerves are affected, patients may experience pain, numbness, tingling, and weakness in the neck, shoulder, arm, hands, and fingers. These symptoms may only be present on one side of the body. In severe cases, nerves in the neck may begin to affect nerves in the lower body leading to muscle weakness in the legs, loss of coordination, difficulty walking, and trouble with your bowels and/or bladder. If you experience these symptoms, it is important to contact your doctor right away.


A diagnosis is typically achieved after a thorough review of your medical history, discussion of symptoms, and physical examination. During the examination, you may be asked to perform a variety of tasks and describe how those actions affect your symptoms. A neurological exam may also be performed to test your strength, reflexes, and sensations in the affected areas. Imaging tests such as MRI, X-rays, and CAT scans are also used to identify the disc degeneration and how the nerves and surrounding soft tissues are affected as well as the severity of your condition. Once diagnosed, we will work with you to create a customized treatment plan tailored to your needs and lifestyle.


Treatment will depend on the severity of symptoms, your doctor’s recommendations, and whether nerves have been affected. As chiropractors, we specialize in the manipulation of joints within the body to ensure proper functioning and health of the nervous system and that includes your neck. Not only will we locate the source and cause of your pain but we will also provide effective treatment options and lifestyle adjustments to ensure your recovery and restore your optimal quality of life. Rest, cold and warm compresses, and over-the-counter medication can help mild symptoms while more moderate cases may require joint manipulation, bracing, and physical therapy.

The goal of our treatment is to improve joint mechanics within the spinal column to alleviate inflammation and pressure placed on nerves and surrounding soft tissue to restore mobility and function to the neck. Your chiropractor may use a combination of manual manipulation, heat and ice therapy, instrument-assisted manipulation, and therapeutic massage to alleviate symptoms and treat the source of your pain.

If you are experiencing neck pain and suspect cervical disc degeneration, seek professional treatment. Regardless of the source of your pain, we will work with you to determine the right treatment plan for your needs. For more information on cervical disc degeneration or to schedule an appointment, contact Natural Health Center of Clifton today.

As we navigate through this pandemic many of us have begun to rely on technology even more as stay-at-home orders pushed us to operate businesses, homes, and schools virtually. The increase in screen time can have a direct effect on your health. We aren’t talking about your eyes, but your wrists!

Wrist pain is a common complaint amongst athletes, writers, mechanics, hairdressers, and just about anyone who relies on their hands heavily to complete their jobs. However, no matter what your routine or job is, your wrists are some of the most used joints in your body. If you’ve noticed a nagging pain in your hand and wrists lately, we encourage you to come into our office for an evaluation and treatment.

Though some patients may assume they have carpal tunnel syndrome once they begin to notice reoccurring symptoms, that may not be the case as other conditions can share similar symptoms. It is important to seek a professional medical diagnosis before starting treatment as a condition not properly assessed will only lead to temporary relief and unsuccessful treatments.


Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) refers to the compression of the median nerve that runs down your forearm, through your wrist, and into the hand. This pressure leads to numbness and tingling throughout the hand commonly felt along the underside of the hand. This pain may extend into the thumb and ring finger. Muscle weakness or clumsiness in the hand may also be experienced. This condition can also be aggravated by other medical conditions such as diabetes or arthritis.


Tendonitis in the wrist occurs when the soft tissue tendons within your wrist become inflamed. Overuse or repetitive motions can irritate the tendons leading to small tears causing inflammation. Common symptoms include joint stiffness, pain in the wrist, decreased range of motion, muscle weakness, and numbness that extends into the fingers including the pinky. Tendonitis can occur on its own, after injury, or be a secondary symptom to another medical condition.


Wrist pain may also be caused by a neck, shoulder, or elbow dysfunction that is causing pain to radiate downward and affect the wrists. As chiropractors, we specialize in the manipulation of joints within the body to ensure proper functioning and health of the nervous system and that includes your wrist joint. Not only will we locate the source and cause of your pain but we will also provide effective treatment options and lifestyle adjustments to ensure your recovery and restore your optimal quality of life.

Treatment will vary based on the severity of your condition, doctor’s recommendations, and lifestyle habits. Rest, cold and warm compresses, and over-the-counter medication can help mild symptoms while more moderate cases may require joint manipulation, bracing, and physical therapy.

Though you cannot fully prevent these conditions from occurring, there are steps you can take to reduce the stress and strain placed on your hands and wrists. We recommend the following tips as preventative measures:

Your keyboard should be level with your forearms to avoid straining while you type.

Wrist pain can be debilitating but that doesn’t mean you have to live with the pain. If you are experiencing wrist pain, seek professional treatment. Regardless of the source of your pain, we will work with you to determine the right treatment plan for your needs. For more information on wrist pain or to schedule an appointment, contact the Natural Helth Center of Clifton today.

Chiropractic care can be an excellent alternative treatment option for aches and pain throughout the body. Every year, over 20 million Americans visit chiropractors across the nation for various ailments. If you have been injured recently or experience frequent pain in your lower back, you may be considering visiting a chiropractor and wondering about whether your health insurance covers chiropractic care.


As stated above, seeking chiropractic care is fairly common. Fortunately, most insurance companies cover chiropractic care but do require a co-payment.

Chiropractic care is included in most health insurance plans, including major medical plans such as workers’ compensation, Medicare, specific Medicaid plans, Blue Cross Blue Shield, Cigna, Humana, and UnitedHealthcare. It is often also made available to all active-duty members of the armed forces, eligible veterans, and federal employees.

It is important to note that though these companies cover chiropractic care, their coverage may be limited and come with certain restrictions including:

Most insurance plans will only cover your short-term care during recovery and will not pay for maintenance visits or long-term care plans.

Due to the unique nature of health insurance and state mandates, we always recommend patients check with their insurance company and specific health plans as each will have different requirements, limits to care, and levels of coverage.


Some policies require that you meet your deductible, or a minimum dollar amount before your benefits will kick in. If your insurance does cover chiropractic treatment and you’ve met their specific requirements, you can expect to pay a portion of the cost of treatment, assuming you’ve met your deductible. If you haven’t met your deductible, you will have to pay the full price until you’ve met the minimum dollar amount for your policy.

Deductibles often reset on January 1st, so if you have met your deductible and are still needing treatment, now is the time to receive care to avoid having to begin paying toward your deductible again after the new year.


Coverage is often provided when care is part of an active treatment plan, meaning you are receiving care to treat a specific injury and that the treatment is currently improving your condition and symptoms. When significant treatment can no longer be expected from the care, treatment then becomes supportive rather than corrective, becoming maintenance care. Since most insurance companies only cover care for medically necessary treatments, maintenance care is not considered covered and therefore not payable.


If your insurance doesn’t cover your health plan involving chiropractic care, talk to your doctor to see if they can help. They may be able to reach out to your insurance company on your behalf and explain their referral. You can also reach out to the company yourself and explain your story to them. If they do not cover your care, you may have to pay out of pocket for chiropractic care. Remember to discuss payment plans or other discounts you may be eligible for at our office during your consultation. Another option for those whose insurance doesn’t fully cover chiropractic care is supplemental coverage which can be used in addition to the healthcare you currently have.

Our team is always looking for new ways to help our patients receive quality and affordable chiropractic care. Whether you need an exam for an injury, rehabilitation services, or treatment for a chronic condition, we are here for you and happy to schedule an appointment to get the care you need. For more information on our services and how we can help you, please contact Natural Health Center of Clifton.

Did you know that one in every four adults over the age of 65 falls at least once every year? With one in every five falls leading to a serious injury, falling can be one of the biggest dangers to your overall health and wellbeing as well as your quality of life. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to prevent falling and reduce your risk of injury – and chiropractic care can help.


As stated above, falls can cause patients pain, injury, and disrupt their overall quality of life. Falls can cause broken bones such as wrist, arm, ankle, and hip fractures. Head injuries are also common injuries from falls especially for those who take certain medications that may act as blood thinners.

Several risk factors that contribute to the risk of falling include:

Unfortunately, after a fall some patients may fear falling again and begin limiting their activities which may work against them as decreased activity can lead to muscle weakness and increase their chance of falling.


If you are injured from a fall and experience back pain, neck pain, or hip pain, chiropractic care can not only help to relieve pain, but also can also offer preventative care! Chiropractic care helps to keep your joints and soft tissue in working order which is important to staying healthy and active as you age.

By restoring proper alignment to your body, we can help patients regain mobility allowing you to stay active. We can also offer nutritional advice to help fuel your body properly and keep your bones strong. Another way we can help is to recommend exercises and lifestyle changes to improve and maintain your sense of balance, muscle strength, and flexibility.

Improving your muscle strength in your core and legs is one of the best ways to reduce your risk of falling and the chance of severe injury. Walking, jogging, yoga, dancing, and Tai Chi are all exercises you can do with no special equipment other than supportive shoes. Even practicing leg extensions from a seated position at home can help keep you centered and on your feet. Exercising at least 20 minutes a day will help to prevent muscle weakness which can make you prone to falling.

On your own or with your family, we recommend you also assess your home around environmental hazards as some falls occur within the home or around the house.

With these steps and our treatments, we will work together with you and your health care providers to ensure you can continue living a full and healthy life. For more information on how chiropractic care can help with fall prevention or to schedule an appointment, please contact Natural Health Center of Clifton today.

You may have heard the term “subluxation” many times before, but you may not fully understand what it is or what kind of damage subluxations can cause to your body. This month we would like to provide you with a little more knowledge of spinal subluxations.

A subluxation is a term used to describe a joint that may not work the way it should, whether it is misaligned or not operating properly. Subluxations can occur in any joint within the body including the feet, shoulders, wrists, and knees. One of the most common areas that subluxations can occur is within the spine. These subluxations are known as spinal subluxations.


spinal subluxation refers to a misaligned vertebrae within the spine from its normal position. When a vertebra becomes misaligned, the pressure put on the nerve roots within the spine can decrease the function of nerve signals between the body and brain. If left untreated, this can cause unbalance within other parts of your body that rely on that vertebra working properly.


If left untreated, spinal subluxations may begin to affect other parts of your general health and wellbeing. It is important to be aware of the signs and symptoms so you can quickly identify spinal subluxations and seek treatment.

Common signs that could indicate a spinal subluxation include:

Spinal subluxations can also cause muscle tenderness, inflammation, pain, numbness, loss of feeling, limited mobility, and a tingling or burning sensation in the affected area.


The causes of spinal subluxations can vary but they are most commonly caused by trauma. This includes major trauma from an injury or accident. However, micro-trauma from daily habits such as sleeping on your stomach or arm nightly, wearing a heavy bag on one side of your body, or looking down at a computer for a long time can also cause subluxations.

Another common cause of subluxation is stress. Strong feelings of stress and anxiety can cause tension within the body, especially in the neck and upper back. Stress can cause the muscles to become tight and may cause a spinal subluxation.


If you suspect that you may have a spinal subluxation, the most recommended course of treatment is to visit a chiropractor. However, for minor cases relief can be achieved with stretches, over-the-counter pain medication, rest, and cold compresses.

Even if you want to try an at-home approach, we encourage you to come into our office for an official diagnosis. We will work with you to find a treatment that is right for you so that you can be the best healthiest version of yourself. For more information on spinal subluxations or to schedule an appointment, please contact the Natural Health Center of Clifton today.

Many of us know staying active is vital to living a healthy lifestyle. Regular exercise is proven to reduce stress levels, improve sleep quality, boost your immune system, and prevent weight gain.

As we continue to cope with the coronavirus pandemic, you may be finding it difficult to exercise or maintain your exercise routine. However, exercise is more important than ever during these stressful times. We’ve provided some high and low impact activities as well as a few tips to help you get your body moving while following the CDC guidelines.


High impact activities are exercises that often require both feet to come off the ground while working out. These activities are called high impact because once your body leaves the ground, gravity forces you back down. This causes your feet to hit the ground with pressure often similar to carrying twice your bodyweight.

Some of the benefits of high impact exercises include an increased heart rate, improved bone density and cardiovascular strength, better balance and stability, and increased stamina.

High impact activities may not be ideal for those who have pre-existing injuries, have joint conditions, or have excess weight. This doesn’t mean that people with these conditions should not do high impact activities, but that they should be added into exercise routines in moderation. Incorporating a few high impact activities into a low impact routine is a great starting point that will help strengthen your body and burn calories. Some high impact workouts include:


Low impact activities are exercises that often keep at least one foot on the ground while you are working out. Your joints absorb far less of an impact during these workouts making them ideal for those with pre-existing injuries, chronic inflammatory conditions, or beginners.

Don’t be fooled by the term “low-impact.” You can still achieve an excellent workout with low impact activities, but you may have to work a little harder. Some low impact exercises include:

By adding a mixture of low and high impact activities to your workout routine, you will be able to strengthen various muscle groups and provide your joints with rest when needed. There is no one-size-fits-all approach when it comes to exercising, so it may take time to find the right combination of activities that work for you. Remember, the key is to sit less and move more so that you can live a healthy life.


Right now, it can be tempting to skip your workouts or feel unmotivated due to closures of gyms and fitness centers. However, there are a lot of great resources and activities for you to utilize during these times.

Get outside if you can while practicing social distancing. Go for a walk, run, bike ride, or hike on a nearby trail and get some much-need fresh air and sunshine. It will not only get your blood pumping but also benefit your mental health.

For those who are missing the atmosphere of the gym, consider taking advantage of virtual classes or looking up some online exercise routines to regain the community feel and keep you motivated.

Though it is recommended that adults get at least 35-60 minutes of exercise a day, that doesn’t mean it has to be all at once. Consider breaking up your workouts so that you can fit them into your schedule better. Remember to follow a routine to maintain a sense of normalcy and listen to your body.

For more information on how to stay active and the benefits of regular exercise, contact the Natural Health Center of Clifton today.

One of the best aspects of chiropractic care is the variety of approaches chiropractors can utilize to treat your condition and improve your overall quality of life. The goal of chiropractic care is to use the manipulation of the musculoskeletal system, primarily the spine, to improve function, reduce pain and inflammation, and help your body to function at its best.

For some patients, chiropractors may choose to use their hands to manually deliver treatment, while other cases may require specialized tools and equipment for the desired results and are known as instrument-assisted adjustments. One of the most common instrument-assisted adjustment techniques is the Activator method.


The Activator method is a form of instrument-assisted spinal and joint manipulation, where a chiropractor uses a small hand-held device known as an Activator Adjustment Instrument, or more simply, an Activator.

This device works as an extension of the chiropractor’s hands to provide a gentle force without needing to twist and turn the patient’s body to correct misalignments. The nature of the device allows for precise adjustment, even to small localized areas. This method is commonly used to treat back pain, neck pain, chronic headaches, inflammation of joints, and spinal disc conditions.

This method is ideal for those who require gentler methods of manipulation such as those who are pregnant, have arthritis, or may be more hesitant to try traditional forms of manual manipulation.

It can be used as an alternative to traditional manipulation or in conjunction with other treatment options.


Prior to the treatment, a physical evaluation is conducted often including reflex testing and possibly leg length testing to identify specific dysfunctions within the spine.

During treatment, the patient can lie down comfortably on an adjustment table and each area of the spine will be worked on individually with the Activator instrument.

The Activator, as mentioned previously, is a hand-held device that can be spring-loaded or electronic and is designed to mimic the effects of hand spinal manipulation. Using high-velocity low amplitude thrust, this instrument can gently realign your spine, relieve pressure from spinal nerves, and eliminate strain on nearby muscles.

The targeted area is gently tapped by the device with a small amount of pressure, followed by a single quick thrust. Due to the Activator’s speed, the muscles treated are less likely to tense making the patient more receptive to treatment. Following treatment, the patient is often re-evaluated to look for signs of correction. A typical treatment plan consists of a series of visits with routine evaluations.

There is no twisting or repositioning required during treatment making this technique preferable to other forms of manual manipulation.


By correcting spinal subluxations, or misalignments, the Activator method can provide the following benefits:

Compared to other forms of manipulation, the Activator method can also provide localized treatment to specific areas of the body.

We understand that there is no one-size-fits-all approach that can address your needs and conditions and we will work with you to determine which treatment option is the right one for you. For more information on the Activator method or to schedule an appointment, please contact the Natural Health Center of Clifton today.

It is no secret that weight loss is a common goal for many people and as we enter the summer season many people may begin to look for some help in shedding extra pounds. Whether you are wanting to lose weight for a wedding, vacation, or simply just to look and feel better, we can help you maximize your results. Unknown to many, chiropractic care can offer some assistance in this area, especially for those who have reached a “plateau” in their weight loss journey.


Sometimes an imbalance in the body can cause metabolic issues that prevent weight loss. As chiropractors, we can identify those issues so that they can be properly addressed. By combining nutritional counseling with holistic chiropractic methods, we can work with you to establish lifestyle changes to help you reach your weight loss goals, as each of these factors are important to achieving lasting results.


Did you know that spine subluxations can actually contribute to weight gain? The nerves in your spinal column help to deliver information to your brain and the rest of your body, so any misalignment can hinder the ability to transmit important information such as hunger cues.

Spinal misalignments may also cause pain and limited range of motion, which can make the exercise needed for weight loss more difficult or less enjoyable. With the help of chiropractic adjustments, we can help you achieve balance within your body so that you can perform at an optimal level without any pain. This relief will enable you to engage in exercises that are more effective when it comes to weight loss.


As chiropractors, we look at you holistically and offer additional services to better assist your needs. One of the services we are proud to provide is nutritional counseling or dietary advice.

As part of any successful weight loss program, a well-balanced diet is important to becoming a happier and healthier you. Our highly skilled team is here to ensure that you are maximizing your potential when it comes to fueling your body. Developing healthy eating habits is essential to not only reaching your goals but also maintaining your results.

We are here to support you through the entire process so you can experience a healthier life and lasting results.


Your lifestyle choices can play a large factor in your overall health and wellbeing, including your weight. We can offer lifestyle recommendations that will help you with your weight loss journey. Since there is no “one-size-fits-all” approach to exercise, we will work with you to tailor our recommendations for specific needs and preferences.

Whether you need help with stress management or simply need to find a regimen that works for you, we can help guide you through these obstacles and evaluate which lifestyle activities will be best for you and your weight loss goals.

Chiropractic care helps your body to not only feel better but also to perform at its best! Our team is ready to help you maximize your results throughout your weight loss journey whether you are just beginning or nearing the end. For more information on how chiropractic care can help you lose weight, contact Natural Health Center of Clifton today.

Getting enough sleep at night is vital to helping us make it through the next day. As you sleep, your body uses the time to rejuvenate itself, allowing you to feel well-rested in the morning. Having trouble sleeping is one of the most common complaints in adults. As a society, we get far less sleep than we need. This can result in excessive fatigue, poor concentration, and other negative side effects. Though you may not look to a chiropractor for sleep improvement, many patients report immediate sleep improvement after just a single adjustment. What’s even better is that sleep quality tends to improve even more with subsequent treatments.


People aren’t commonly educated about the benefits and importance of quality sleep. Sleep can have a major impact on your health and overall quality of life as it is instrumental in maintaining a healthy immune system. During our deepest periods of sleep, our body is repaired and rejuvenated. Getting a consistent good night’s rest can lead to a decrease in depression and anxiety, reduction of chronic inflammation, and lower stress levels as well as lowering the risk for heart disease and other illnesses.


When you don’t get enough sleep, your body can struggle beyond just being a little drowsy or cranky the following day. Some consequences of chronic sleep deprivation may include:


Sleep issues are rarely an independent occurrence. Though chiropractors are not sleep experts, chiropractors can correct any misalignments that may be keeping you awake at night while restoring proper nerve function throughout the body to reduce any tension or restlessness. Not only can they diagnose and treat any misalignments, but chiropractors can also offer lifestyle recommendations to help you improve your quality of sleep.

How can you improve your quality of sleep tonight? Here are some suggestions to help you get a better night’s rest tonight:


Many people don’t realize that how you fall asleep and what positions you might find yourself in during the night can affect your quality of sleep. Certain positions can put pressure and strain on parts of your body making you feel restless at night and stiff in the morning. Sleeping on your back or side can help you maintain proper spinal alignment during sleep. Remember to keep your neck and spine aligned with the right number of pillows. Adding pillows between your legs or under the small of your back can also help to reduce stress on the spine while you sleep.


If you have a stiff mattress or one that is too soft, you may have some sleepless nights. Softer mattresses can sag and allow the spine to shift creating strain, while a firm mattress can make your body ache with pressure applied to your joints. Search for mattresses, mattress toppers, and pillows that will support your body. Good pillows should keep your head and neck in place while sleeping.


Avoid all electronic devices at least one hour before going to bed. Instead spend the hour winding down with mediation, reading a book, or listening to soft music. Even though exercising regularly is beneficial to helping you sleep better, do not exercise before bed as it will raise your heart rate and make it difficult for you to fall asleep. Restrain from consuming any caffeine or eating a large meal before going to bed.


Darken the room with blackout curtains or blinds and remove any night lights that may keep you from falling asleep. Close your door and use a white noise machine to reduce any distractions that may keep your mind awake as you try to wind down. Lowering the temperature can also help to provide you with restful slumber.


Adults should get at least 7-8 hours of sleep each night. Make a sleep schedule and stick to it. Going to bed and waking up at the same time every day can help your body establish a routine and help you function at your best.

Regular chiropractic care can resolve several problems that may be preventing you from getting the sleep you need. For more information on how chiropractic care can improve your quality of sleep, contact Natural Health Center of Clifton today.

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