Natural Health Center Clifton
physical health center Clifton

While it may seem reasonable to suggest that excess weight can place undue stress on the body, many are unaware of just how your body weight can affect your spine. Being overweight or obese can create a variety of health problems, including damage to your spine, which is your body’s main support system. This month, we wanted to take time to educate you on the ways that your body weight can affect your spinal health and what you can do to make sure your spine stays healthy.

We understand that this virus has impacted our day-to-day living including our eating patterns and exercise habits which are two big contributors to weight gain. For this reason, we’ve also included some tips to help curb snacking habits and improve your exercise routine while following COVID-19 guidelines for staying safe and healthy.


The spine houses and protects the body’s central nervous system while offering structural support for your muscles and the weight of your entire body ensuring proper function, motion, and shock absorption. Excess weight can put extra stress on the spine decreasing the function and motion of the spine, and may even alter the curvature to support the added stress and weight on your body. This can comprise your spine’s ability to protect and facilitate the general functions of your body while increasing the risk of injury.

Patients who are overweight may experience several health conditions as excess weight can lead to diabetes, cardiovascular disease, arthritis, sciatica, back pain, herniated discs, pinched nerves, and more. Increased weight can also lead to fatigue and difficulty breathing or shortness of breath while exercising, which may further complications due to a lack of exercise.

Overall weight loss is important as each pound adds strain to muscles and ligaments within the body. Even small amounts of weight loss can help improve a patient’s overall health and quality of life. As chiropractors we can help you by relieving some stress, correcting the range of motion, and restoring function to the nervous system with spinal adjustments. We can also offer lifestyle recommendations to your diet and exercise routines to help your spine function at its best.


There is a well-documented relationship between stress and weight gain, which can further be accentuated by a decrease in daily exercise. With stay-at-home orders in place for many, stress can build up leading to an increase of carb intake, snacking, stress eating, and lack of exercise which all contribute to weight gain.

It is important to consult with your doctor before starting any weight loss program to ensure that the program is right and safe for you.



Stress eating is often accompanied by boredom eating. When you get the urge to snack, ask yourself, “am I hungry or am I eating because I’m bored?” If you can admit that you are snacking out of boredom, then do something else. Go for a walk, call a friend, journal, but stop boredom in its tracks so that you don’t end up eating empty calories.


If you know you are going to snack, make a game plan ahead of time. Give yourself designated snack times and practice portion control by putting your snacks in smaller bowls or snack-sized bags. Avoid eating from the container or while doing other activities so that you can enjoy your snack to the fullest and avoid overeating.


While it is okay to indulge in a treat of chips, chocolate, or cookies every now and then, be sure to prepare some healthy options as well. Carrot sticks, cheese, fresh fruit, and celery sticks with peanut butter are some great options for simple, healthy snacks. If you can purchase fresh produce, it’s always a healthier option compared to processed foods. Making cooking and food preparation a family activity is a great way to keep your family healthy, strengthen bonds, and have fun.



If you can get out of the house, do so! Just being outdoors and breathing fresh air can do a lot to relax your body and reduce your stress levels. If you can, go for a walk or bicycle ride around the neighborhood and remember to practice social distancing rules. Remember to wash your hands before you leave your house, at your destination, and once you return home.


Regular activity benefits not only the body, but also the mind. It can reduce high blood pressure, manage weight, relieve muscle tension or strain, reduce the risk for heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and various health conditions while improving bone and muscle strength. Your mental health is also improved with regular activity as it has been known to lower risk for depression and cognitive decline while reducing stress.

Setting a specific time aside for exercise can help you maintain your schedule while also giving your body that much needed boost of energy. Whether you want to allot time to a daily walk, bike ride, online class, or follow a popular workout video, jot it down in your schedule and stick to it.


Working out from home can be preferable for many people, so you don’t need to worry if you are unable to go out. If you have some gym equipment already such as a stationary bike, dumbbells, resistance bands, or a treadmill you won’t have a hard time getting ready.

If you don’t have any equipment, you can still keep active with many of the fun and free workout videos available online. You can even google workout routines associated with movies or TV shows, so you can still binge your favorite series but also get a good workout in. Circuit training with pushups, squats, lunges, jumping jacks, crunches, and planks are some exercises you can include to stay fit while at home. Yoga or mat Pilates are also great ways to be active if you are looking for something more gentle and low impact.


If you aren’t regularly active, remember to start slow with low-intensity activities. Begin with only 5-10 minutes a day of daily activity that gets your heart racing. Listen to your body but understand that some pain and discomfort are expected at the beginning of a new routine. Slowly build up to 30 minutes or more of physical activity over the next few weeks.

For more information on the relationship between your weight and spine, healthy tips for COVID-19 diet and exercise, or to schedule an appointment, contact Natural Health Center of Clifton today.

Here at Natural Health Center of Clifton, we are proud to offer acupuncture services to our clients as an alternative, drug-free option to treat a variety of conditions. While you may have heard of acupuncture, you might not be aware of what it actually is or the many conditions it can treat. It is our goal to help educate you on this treatment and help you determine if it is the right option for you depending on your specific needs.


Acupuncture is the traditional Chinese medicine practice of penetrating the skin with fine metallic needles. Practitioners believe that the human body has over 2,000 specific acupuncture points that are connected by pathways that allow energy, or Qi, to flow throughout the body. It is believed that disease, illness, stress, and other discomforts are caused by a disruption in the body’s energy. Acupuncture uses the insertion of these needles to manipulate the body’s Qi and restore balance to the patient’s body, this, in turn, improves the flow of energy and the patient’s overall health and wellbeing.


We realize that the word “needles” can deter some patients, but we can assure you that you are in safe, capable, and careful hands! Our acupuncturists are very gentle to ensure your comfort, and no significant pain should be felt during treatment. Minimal discomfort may be felt as the needle is inserted into the body, followed by a heavy or dull sensation as the needle is applied to the pressure point and the Qi is manipulated.


Acupuncture points are believed to stimulate the body’s central nervous system, helping to encourage proper functionality of the body’s systems and promoting good health and wellbeing. Once the acupuncturist has located all the sources of blocked Qi and successfully manipulated the points to allow proper flow, the needles are then removed, and an overwhelming feeling of relief is felt by the patient. Treatment can vary depending on the patient’s condition from several minutes to over an hour, however typical treatment lasts an average of 20 minutes.
Needles are not the only tools used in acupuncture. Heat, friction, suction, electromagnetic stimulation, and pressure can also be used to restore proper flow to the body.
All needles are sterilized and fall under the FDA’s single-use standard to prevent any infection.


Studies show that acupuncture can treat numerous conditions, even those of chronic illness and addiction. Some studies even show that it can be used to treat conditions such as sinusitis, depression, and even to promote fertility. Other conditions that acupuncture can treat but are not limited to include:

It is important to speak with your primary care provider before scheduling an appointment as acupuncture is not for everyone. If you are unsure of whether this is the right option for you, we encourage you to schedule a free consultation here at Natural Health Center of Clifton, and we can discuss your individual needs and goals for treatment. We look forward to helping you find the relief you deserve! For more information on how acupuncture can help you, contact us today.

What are the chances of you reading this in a position that is harmful to your body? Is your head leaning forward, shoulders slightly rounded, or your back slumped? Do you notice stiffness or soreness in your neck and shoulders after spending a day at the office looking at a screen all day? Or how about after scrolling through social media on your phone for a few hours? The modern age brings a variety of new things to discover, and health conditions are no exception, especially when it comes to our interactions with technology. If you’ve experienced any pain or tension from the activities described above, you may be experiencing Text Neck.

Text Neck is a modern affliction caused by repeated stress on the neck and spine as a result of looking down constantly, particularly at handheld or electronic devices.


Text Neck is a condition where the continual habit of looking down (often at an electronic device) causes pain essentially due to bad posture. It is also known as the Forward Head position because when someone looks down the neck bends and moves the head forward. Though the name might be comical, it is a condition that has become more frequent in doctor’s offices as people spend more and more time hunched over devices.

On average, people spend 5-6 hours a day looking at their phones. The average human head weighs anywhere from 10-12 pounds. However, in this Forward Head position at varying degrees, it can place up to 60 pounds of pressure on the neck. This increased pressure and weight can pull muscles, tendons, ligaments, and even your spine out of alignment. Over time, this can cause several health problems as it weakens muscles, damages soft tissue, and can leave permanent changes to your spine and posture. It has become an increased concern for children more so than adults as children’s bodies are often more malleable and seem to ‘grow’ into bad posture.


Text neck is often at an advanced stage by the time people become aware of the problem. As Text Neck pulls on the spine and upper back, nerves can become pinched and lead to misalignments. Not only can Text Neck cause pain, but a weakened spine can also lead to poor communication between the brain and other parts of the body.
Some other symptoms to watch out for include:

Though symptoms will vary from person to person if left untreated, permanent spinal damage may occur such as reshaping of the curvature of the spine.


We understand that patients will not suddenly stop using their devices or stop looking down at them all the time. However, the first thing to do is to become aware of how texting or the use of electronic devices can cause bad posture.

A simple solution is lifting your device to an eye-level position, this will reduce pressure on your neck as your head won’t slouch forward and will help your spine keep a neutral posture. Avoid looking down and straining your muscles constantly. Taking breaks and performing stretches every hour will help your neck and spine relax tensed muscles and avoid pain.

Chiropractic care is one of the most effective therapies in treating Text Neck. Chiropractors are qualified to help and correct misalignments of the vertebrae throughout the neck and spine. After physical examinations, often X-Rays will be done to show any problems Text Neck may have caused and how advanced the condition may be. A treatment plan is then designed to correct the problem, alleviate symptoms, and restore function to your nerves. Your chiropractor can offer treatment through spinal manipulations, stretches, and exercises to relieve pain and misalignments as well as strengthen weakened muscles. In addition to physical benefits, your chiropractor can also offer advice on how to avoid falling into the same habits after treatment.

If you think the pain you are experiencing may be from Text Neck or for more information, please contact Natural Health Center of Clifton today. Our staff is here to provide you with the right therapy for your condition with long-term solutions and natural healing.

The new year is a great time to start thinking about how to make meaningful changes to your life, and it’s a fresh start for everyone. For many, this time of the year represents renewal, resolutions, new perspectives, and goals for the year to come. One aspect that people strive to improve year after year is their health, and while many assume the gym is the best place to start, we want to recommend beginning your journey to a better you with us and chiropractic care.


When people imagine getting into shape during the new year, they immediately gravitate towards a gym membership to improve health, but chiropractic care is just as important in keeping the body healthy. Chiropractic care uses gentle manipulation and adjustments to remove restrictions, tension, and pain within the body, this helps to improve mobility and makes movement and activity easier during workouts. By realigning the spine and removing any tension, a wealth of benefits can be felt as functionality is restored throughout the entire body, enabling you to hit the ground running with your new year resolution for better health.


The spine is the line of communication for the body and is intricately linked to multiple organ systems, which is why it is important to keep your spine in proper alignment. Any misalignment can lead to impairment within the nervous system, which can place a toll on your immune system. Many find that with frequent chiropractic care, they are sick less often and the body is more capable of fighting it off if they do become ill. Beginning the new year with us can help you maintain a stronger immune system.


If you suffer from pain, working out or just daily activity can be difficult. Visiting a chiropractor can help relieve pressure and tension within the body. As restrictions or misalignments are corrected with the manipulation of joints within the body, pressure, and pain will be eliminated. Another great benefit of chiropractic treatment is pain prevention. With frequent care, many patients report noticing less pain, illness, and faster recovery time should any illness or injury occur. Whether your pain is mild, severe, chronic, or short-term, visit a chiropractor so you can start the year pain-free.


As mentioned above, a misaligned spine can drain your energy and place a toll on your body. An unhealthy spine or any impairment can have a ripple effect on the body and alter your ability to focus and maintain concentration. Chiropractors can help you with treatment to be more alert, have better focus, and have better clarity by correcting misalignments in your body.

As we enter the new year and begin to work towards new goals, consider receiving chiropractic treatment to start the year off right. Our chiropractors can help provide you with treatment options and other tips to keep you healthy and happy this new year. For more information on how chiropractic treatment can help you this year, contact Natural Health Center of Clifton today.

During the winter, many of us can experience health challenges that make day-to-day life difficult. From colds and the flu to icy falls, harsh weather, or a skiing injury, you can find yourself easily compromised during the season. Fortunately, chiropractic care can help you in many ways during the winter to stay healthy and safe. Visiting a chiropractor during the winter can not only help prevent problems but can also keep you feeling and functioning at your best. Here are a couple of reasons to visit the chiropractor once the temperature begins to drop.


Those who experience joint pain throughout the year understand that the weather can greatly influence the pain. This is due to changes in the atmospheric pressure. As the air gets colder, the fluid within your joints moves less freely, making your joints stiff and painful to operate. Not only do your joints stiffen up, but the cold causes your body to contract making your muscles reluctant to stretch. Our chiropractors can help keep stiffness at bay with regular chiropractic adjustments to keep your muscles and joints loose and flexible while reducing any pain caused by cold weather.


The winter is the height of the cold and flu season, and the time around the holidays can put you at an increased risk of catching bacteria and viruses due to compromised immune systems, stress, sleep deprivation, and over-crowded areas.

Fortunately, chiropractic care can help keep you healthy as chiropractors do much more than simply eliminate pain and stiffness from your body. The spine is the center of your nervous system, which is responsible for communicating with the other systems of your body. One of these systems is your immune system which is responsible for fighting germs, bacteria, viruses, and illness. It is important to keep a healthy and strong immune system. Spinal adjustments can set off a chain reaction, boosting function within the nervous system and strengthening your immune system.


If you know you are going to be spending time outside, it is important to make sure you are prepared. We advise you to dress in layers and wear proper shoes to prevent slips and falls. The layers will not only keep you warm and protected from wind chills, but will also keep your muscles loose and prevent them from contracting and becoming stiff while you are outside.

Remember to warm up before you go outside, even if you will only be out for a while. Warming up before an outside workout or activity can help prevent muscle strain.

If you will be shoveling snow, push the snow in front of you and walk it to the snowbank. Do not throw the snow, as twisting and turning in colder weather can result in muscle strain, spasms, and injury. Bend your knees and allow your arms and legs to do the work instead of your back. Take breaks inside to warm up and rest your muscles and stop immediately if you experience any pain.


If you are a fan of winter sports, you know how important it is to prevent injury during the cold. With colder temperatures, muscles contract to retain heat which can make activities outside difficult if you are unprepared. Instead, prepare properly for winter and any activities you might find yourself performing outside. Visit our office before any trips to the slopes to make sure your body is loose and in proper alignment and ask about good prevention tips to avoid injury.

Winter sports such as snowboarding or skiing can quickly lead to musculoskeletal injuries, especially with beginners. Fortunately, chiropractic care offers a variety of services available to you to help rebuild your strength and coordination. Chiropractic care allows your body to heal and correct itself naturally without medication or invasive procedures. During the winter, misalignments and dislocations can make it harder for the body to defend and mend itself. With our help, you can ensure that your body will function properly after receiving chiropractic care.


Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is a condition that occurs in many people during the fall and winter months. It is a type of depression that is related to the change of the seasons. The fewer hours of sunlight, colder temperatures, darker days, and many stressors that come with the holidays can be triggers for SAD leading to a drain in energy, motivation, and interest in general activities. People who experience SAD may feel many of the same effects as those with standard depression feel.

Though there is no true cure, chiropractic care can help those with SAD by regulating hormone production with stimulation to the nervous system. The increase in hormone production can help raise levels of serotonin and balance the production of melatonin, which can sometimes get altered for those under the influence of SAD. Spinal adjustment is a good way to fight off SAD as the spine acts as the central nervous system’s line of communication and can help you get better control of your feelings and emotions. Our chiropractors can also offer practical lifestyle changes that may help you handle your symptoms.


Dealing with stress can be difficult without the appropriate resources, especially during the holiday season. Our chiropractors understand how to eliminate stress through a variety of treatments to promote a healthy body and a healthy mind.

There is no denying the cold weather and winter challenges ahead of you. Just as you wouldn’t leave your house without a coat, you shouldn’t leave your body unprepared for the colder weather ahead. Visit us today to start your winter off right. We can help you throughout the winter to reduce pain, maintain your health and wellbeing, and avoid injury. Contact Natural Health Center of Clifton today to schedule your appointment!

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