Natural Health Center Clifton
physical health center Clifton

When Should I See a Doctor for My Knee Pain?

knee injury specialist clifton

By Dr. Dan Courneya, DC

This is a hard question to answer as there are many different causes of knee pain. The unfortunate truth, however, is that most people wait TOO long with knee pain before seeking help. There does come a certain point at which the only treatment available is total knee replacement surgery.

Thankfully, there are many treatment options available before the point of no return. You should seek out immediate care if:

  • You had a fall or traumatic injury
  • Your knee is swollen
  • Your knee pain lasts more than 1 week

Other reasons to seek out a healthcare professional are if you have difficulty or pain with any of the following actions:

  • Going up or downstairs
  • Kneeling
  • Walking
  • Standing
  • Getting up from sitting

At the Natural Health Center, we have trained knee specialists to evaluate and assess the exact cause and reason behind your aches and pains. We can provide nonsurgical, helpful treatments to get you back on your feet and doing the activities you want to do instead of planning around your knee pain! For more information on our services or to schedule an appointment, contact Natural Health Center of Clifton today.


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